“Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner”

After taking a small break from doing wet plate, I fell back at it again with finally working on a more personal project, doing tintypes of what I feel is my life with a chronic illness, and focusing more of my life with Crohn's Disease and IBS and also showing a tiny spotlight into the invisible illness community. 
I have had Crohn's for all my life but was officially diagnosed 7 years ago and of course life hasn't been the same for me. I started out with a bunch of different treatments and the one thing that has been constant through out this is the amount of pills I take always goes up. I always have to have a pill in the mornings, a pill mid day, and lastly a pill at night. 
I wanted to do a tintype that accurately represents on how my life is. I couldn't think of a more perfect way to start than with a self portrait.
I hope to continue to do more plates about my life!

To learn more about Crohn's Disease, please visit : CCFA​ 
​To learn about the Spoon Theory,  please visit : But You Don't Look Sick


Old Town, January 17


Teaching Eastlake High School